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You don't have time for the anxiety

You don't have time for the hesitation, the pain, the way it's affecting your relationships

And you don't have time to go on a year-long soul searching journey or spend hours in weekly sessions...what you need is to feel alive again...NOW!

Book Your Discovery Call

You’ve Tried It All.

Long months in the Therapist’s office rehashing old wounds...but for some reason you're still not feeling any better,

Reading all the books from Self Help to Spirituality,

You’ve said all the affirmations, visualized your success till you went cross-eyed...

And still, there’s something that feels blocked...

Like you're holding yourself back.

If only you could release the anxiety, the self- sabotaging habits, and the hesitation,

you would reach out and claim the life you're dreaming of:

More satisfaction and success in your career,

A loving relationship where you are able to receive the love and care you give to others,

A social circle that not only respects your boundaries, but fuels your growth, and encourages your dreams

If only you could overcome this little...invisible...THING!

I hear ya!

A little-known fact about trauma and unconscious beliefs

If they are not acknowledged, healed, and released, they will become a subtle guiding force throughout your life. Past wounds will either guide you to unconsciously seek out situations that repeat similar hurts (manipulation, narcissism, abandonment, being taken advantage of, etc.) Or, They'll send you on zig-zagging, dead-ending patterns of avoidance just to protect you from ever having to feel that trauma again. This is your Unconscious Mind’s way of trying to get your attention that needs to be seen so that you can finally heal and move forward.

But this trial-and-error process can go on for months, even years!

Your life is far too precious and important to waste years of it repeating the same old patterns that keep you in pain, anxiety, loneliness, and self-doubt. 

What if you could stop wasting that time going in circles?

What if a few sessions of deep healing in a relaxed, safe environment could accomplish more than a year of talk therapy and coping mechanisms?

How will your life open up when your anxiety is no longer running the show?

How will you feel when you can act from love, rather than running from trauma or abandonment?

Imagine what it will be like when you can live, prosper, and love freely and fearlessly...

Imagine how healing key bocks could change your entire experience of life...

Are you ready to live your life in full color?

I Am Ready, Book My Free Call!

How To Work With Me

Single Session

Get day-of relief from panic attacks, phobias, anxiety

Great for people who have been doing inner work, but haven't been able to get past that one...d@#$... block!

Package of 4 Sessions

Complex traumas with multiple facets

Toxic or unhelpful relationship patterns

Can't decide which area of life to heal first? No need to choose!

Save some money while committing to deep mental and emotional healing

The Catalyst Membership

Start your healing journey on a budget or maintain your self-care after your 1-1 sessions

Unlimited access to a growing library of self-hypnosis audios, journal prompts, and on-the-go quick resets

Bi-weekly community coaching calls & access to recordings

Member discount on sessions and events

Pricing Options

90 minutes session


Book Your Discovery Call

Package of 4 x 90 minutes sessions


Book Your Discovery Call

The Catalyst Membership



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Discover how I can help you to to help you find your inner peace and reconnect to your truth

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