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Hi, I'm Chelsey

As a natural healer and an empath, I always struggled with codependency and anxiety. I was irresistibly drawn to the “damaged” types that loved the way I made them feel, but left me drained, anxious, and constantly questioning my own self-worth. I would date, befriend, and work for narcissist after narcissist, getting caught up in the high then crushed by the inevitable series of crashes.

Even after gained the courage to step away from a toxic marriage and a toxic work relationship (in the same week-talk about an overhaul!) I still found myself gravitating toward the same narcissistic types. I was hopelessly attracted to jerks, my self-care had gone completely haywire, and my low self-esteem was causing bouts of anxiety as well as depression. I knew those nasty recurring doubts weren’t true... but I couldn’t figure out how to escape the loop!

It was only after I healed the trauma and hidden unconscious beliefs that those work and romantic relationships instilled in me that I was able to break the cycle and create the life I had always imagined I could live. Looking back, it came as a total surprise figuring out that I had never actually lacked the ability to find a loving, healthy relationship or a career that fulfills me at the deepest levels of my soul.

I had just been convinced that I wasn’t worthy of it!

With the help of Hypnotherapy, Energy Work, and guidance from my own Intuitive Coaches, I cleared up that major misconception and since then have made it my life’s mission to help others do the same.

My gift has always been to connect the dots that others couldn’t, and put words to those stubborn, indescribable emotions. Using this gift and combining it Energy Healing and Hypnotherapy, each session is a totally unique experience that brings your mind, heart, and soul into alignment to heal the root issue that is blocking your peace in the present. The truth is, you already have everything you need within you to heal trauma, release mental blocks, and break toxic cycles. Sometimes we just need someone to show us the roadmap. Think of me as your mental, emotional, spiritual tour guide! I help you uncover those hidden beliefs and wounds, then guide you in your own deepest healing. If you’ve tried everything else, why not try something different? A method of healing that is unique to you!

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Discover how I can help you to to help you find your inner peace and reconnect to your truth

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