The Catalyst

Mental Resilience for Feelers and Healers

-Does it seem like you're feeling triggered by things that never used to bug you?

-Feeling kind of like glass that would shatter if just one...more...thing happens?

-Are your relationships (romantic and otherwise) an endless effing stress circus and you can't seem to find the exit?

-Are you ready for self-care that goes beyond affirmations and actually helps you feel like YOU again? 

Join Membership Now

You don't fit into a box...

Your healing journey shouldn't be shoved into one either!


I love this membership! It's like the Calm app but I get to have a live coach to help me when I get stuck! - MB


  • Live Intuitive Coaching Calls- Let's face it, sometimes we just need someone on the outside with an intuitive eye to catch that pesky little block that's holding us back


  • Immersive Meditation Audios- Created by an Intuitive Hypnotherapist with healing frequencies to help you break through, heal the root of the problem, and reprogram your unconscious mind for the life you deserve to be living


  • Quick Reset Meditations- Stressed? Getting close to the edge?- Short, hypnosis-based meditations to get you back to center when you need it most!  
Join Membership Now

Introducing The Catalyst Membership

Where do I start?

So you've realized there's more to life than just surviving. You're empathic, you're going through a transition, it's wacky times in the world, and it feels impossible to take time to get your nervous system back in order before the next wave chaos knocks you off your stride again. 

It just be really nice to know what's going on and know that you're not the only one who's feeling all the shifts when the rest of the world seems to be sleepwalking.

And it's tough finding your tribe...

How do you strike a balance between super woo-woo "Blame it all on Mercury Retrograde" and  "Suck it up, Buttercup" mental resilience gurus.


It shouldn't be so hard to find a place to get started on your Personal Growth and Healing journey in a space that's somewhere in the middle between spiritually awakening and practical grounded tools to help you function in the real world?

...So where do you get that sort of thing?

The Catalyst is the perfect place to start your healing journey! You'll have access to live group coaching calls in a community that lets you feel seen and heard (seriously, I love this bunch of people that have formed this community, I can't wait for you to meet them!) 

On top of that, you'll get access to my best Healing Hypnosis Meditations that have gotten my clients breakthrough healing from some of the toughest unconscious programs and helped them feel become more connected and alive than ever! 



The Catalyst Membership is a place for people just like you who need a place to start and support in every season of life

  • Live group coaching and tailored intuitive teachings at one affordable monthly rate
  • A full Healing Hypnosis Audio library available to guide you through your self-care work and help you access (and heal) unconscious blocks, so you can start living the life you want!
  • Quick Reset tools and techniques to help you regulate your emotions and nervous system on short notice - No more angry office blowouts over someone stealing your stapler! 

This Membership is a passion project. I created it to give you full access to my best and most effective healing protocols that I use in my own practice every day. I wanted to make this powerful healing work accessible to everyone who wants to change their lives, no matter what their budget looks like. 

So If you're ready to free your mind from the past and step into the life you deserve, let's get started!

I've done just about every other meditation app on the market and the meditations in The Catalyst are the BEST! It must be the hypnotherapy Chelsey blends into them but I really do feel different and better after I listen to each one!

- Ashley

Think this is great? It’s only gonna get better! 

As a founding member you'll get:

  • Biweekly Intuitive Coaching calls Get real-time intuitive coaching to help you get unstuck! 
  • All Access- No levels or tiers to prevent you from going all in on your transformation
  • A full library of targeted Immersive Meditations to help you Reconnect to your unconscious mind and Heal self-sabotaging patterns right at the root of the issue 
  • Journal prompts that will guide you through processing your inner work and solidify your healing experiences
  • No Contracts Life is all about seasons, Cancel any time with no guilt trip and come back whenever you like
  • Access to upcoming live events and all new expansions

Monthly Subscription


for 14 days and $25.99/mo afterwards


Annual Subscription

$259.90/ year

Pay for a year and get 2 months free!